Embarking on a cruise from Galveston, Texas, offers a quaint yet vibrant gateway to the wonders of the sea, slightly less frequented than its Floridian counterparts. The bustling airports of Houston: Hobby Airport, a mere hour's journey, and George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH), about a one-and-a-half-hour drive from the charming shores of Galveston. For those adventuring from the West Coast, Galveston is often more convenient, bypassing the need to venture to the further reaches of Florida.
East Coast voyagers, too, will find Galveston a compelling choice, particularly when the skies to Florida are crowded with vacationers, sending flight costs soaring. The allure of Florida's myriad attractions often means airfares are at a premium, especially during peak vacation periods such as school breaks or holidays. During these times, a ticket to Florida might leap beyond $1,000, whereas Houston's offers flights at nearly half the price. A vivid example comes from a recent February trip, where the difference was stark: $400 for a round trip to Houston compared to Florida's staggering $1,000 for the same dates.
The voyages departing from Galveston whisper tales of Mexico and Central America's enchanting locales, with 5-7 day journeys typically sailing to coveted ports like Cozumel, Costa Maya, Roatan, Progreso, and Belize City.
However, travelers should be mindful that Galveston, with its serene detachment from the hustle of large cities, doesn't boast the wealth of on-demand transportation seen in Florida's bustling cruise hubs. The scarcity of taxis and rideshares like Uber or Lyft can lead to unexpected waits and surcharges. Our own journey harkened this reality, as we fondly bid farewell to our cruise, only to wait over two hours for an Uber to whisk us back to IAH. To ensure a seamless return to reality, consider scheduling a later flight or embracing the convenience of the cruise line's transportation options. This strategic planning transforms the journey home into a final, stress-free leg of your magnificent adventure.